
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Waiter Praised For Refusing To Serve Family Who Insults Child With Down Syndrome

When a story about a waiter refusing to serve customers starts picking up steam online, it usually involves people rushing to insult the server and his employer. But this is story is getting quite the opposite response from the public.

The Houston Chronicle’s shares the story of an area woman who had gone to a local steak restaurant with her son, who has Down Syndrome.

“A family of 4 asked to be moved from the booth next to us,” writes the mom. “I didn’t think that much about it but shortly after they left the restaurant entirely, glancing at our table as they left.”

The mom says she thought she was being paranoid about getting the stink-eye from the exiting diners. But she was right.

She says she learned this family had told the waiter that “Special needs kids should be kept in special places.” At that point, the waiter apparently told the customers that he was offended and would not serve them.

The mom praised the waiter and other members of the restaurant staff, “who not only love [my son] for who he is — a customer and little boy with Down syndrome, but stand up for him no matter what.”

Since then, a number of people have been filling the restaurant’s Facebook page with positive comments like:

“I was very impressed and moved by the story about your wait staff and standing up for those who can’t. I hope to come by and try the prime rib. Thank you.”

“Thank you to the waiter for standing up for those who can’t! job well done!”


“I love y’all for so many reasons, and now I can add one more. Thanks for doing the right thing.”


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