
Monday, December 17, 2012

Hasbro: A gender-neutral Easy-Bake Oven?

(CNN) -- McKenna Pope's 4-year-old brother wanted an Easy-Bake oven for months and she was more than happy to get it for him. She wants him to know it's OK for boys to enjoy baking cookies.

But she's worried that toy makers are sending boys a different message. The 13-year-old reached this conclusion last week during a shopping trip with her parents. They searched the shelves for an Easy-Bake Ultimate Oven and found pink and purple boxes that show only girls using the kid-friendly appliance.

University of Chicago's Indiana Jones mystery solved

A mystery at the University of Chicago unfolded like the dotted lines on an old map in classic Indiana Jones movies.

Last week, the university posted photos of a package it had received, addressed to none other than Henry Walton Jones, Jr., better known to most as Indiana Jones. Inside was a replica of the fictional U. of C. professor Abner Ravenwood's journal from the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" film. With no explanation, the university reached out via Tumblr, asking visitors to the blog help solve the mystery. Was it a hoax? A clever admissions stunt? A misaddressed Christmas gift? Senior Admissions Adviser Grace Chapin found out the answer Monday morning, and it was none of the above.

Feminist group leaves consent-themed panties in Victoria’s Secret stores to protest ‘culture of rape’ and company themes it finds problematic

FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture, which has a website spoofing Victoria’s Secret that pretends to offer consent-themed panties, called the move ‘operation panty drop.’

Feminist group FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture performed its latest "operation panty drop” Saturday.

Organizers Rebecca Nagle, 26, and Hannah Brancato, 27, have teamed up with male and female “consent enthusiasts” to leave consent-themed panties in more than a dozen Victoria’s Secret stores in North America and Europe since Dec. 5.

The underwear’s “no means no” and “ask first” messages satirize some of the retailer’s panties that have messages the group deems problematic, such as “sure thing.”

Instant Regret: New peanut butter not for the faint-hearted

A new spicy variety of peanut butter - six times hotter than the world's hottest chilli - is to be sold in Britain.

The aptly named Instant Regret peanut butter is packed with capsaicin - the component that provides the heat within a chilli.

On the Scoville scale, which measures the heat of chilli peppers, the peanut butter boasts a whopping rating of 12,000,000.

To put this in perspective, the world's hottest chilli - the Moruga Scorpion - rates at 2,000,000, as does the most legal variant of pepper spray.

The spread is not for the faint-hearted and even comes with a warning to users. It is not suitable for the elderly nor children.

So fiercely hot is the butter that the retailers, Firebox, had to persuade the factory to produce it.

Dingo steals tourist's cash and jewels

A British tourist has lost several thousand dollars' worth of cash and jewellery, after a dingo stole a bag containing her valuables on a New South Wales beach.

Several witnesses told police they tried to warn the 58-year-old woman that the dingo was approaching her on Jimmys Beach, just north of Newcastle last Wednesday.

One beachgoer took photographs of the animal as it disappeared into nearby dunes carrying the bag, which contained valuable items of jewellery, cash and lollies.

Police searched the area for several hours but found no trace of the bag or its contents.

Distinctive markings helped rangers to identify the rogue dingo, which has been shot and killed.

Secret drug den discovered after Jack Russell is electrocuted as it cocked its leg against live shop shutter

A cannabis factory was discovered above a disused restaurant after a dog was electrocuted as it cocked its leg against a shutter.

The Jack Russell was killed instantly by the electric current as it "marked its territory" outside the former eatery where secretly a drugs empire was being masterminded.

The pet's owner, a woman in her thirties, was taken to hospital for treatment after also suffering an electric shock, but she was not badly hurt.

Firefighters sent to the scene in Fairfield, Liverpool, forced their way into the premises with an angle grinder - and then discovered a massive haul of cannabis being harvested.