
Monday, December 31, 2012

FLDS Prepare For End Of World TONIGHT!

Followers of cult leader, Warren Jeffs, who is behind bars for sexually assaulting young girls, are reportedly preparing for the end of the world tomorrow (12-31-2012), after their former leader warned of Armageddon before midnight.
The only supermarket and major meeting point of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints community across the movement's key sites - Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah - has been closed, and an expert in the sect has warned CNN the preparations could be a dangerous signal.

Sam Brower, a private investigator who represents more than 100 former FLDS members, said law enforcement officers will monitor the situation in Jeffs' community closely - rather than just dismissing it as another false Armageddon warning from the radical preacher.

'The consensus seems to be that Warren is indicating that by the end of the year, the end of the world will be here', he told CNN. 

Alluding to the proclamation's sinister implications, he added: 'Jim Jones, Koresh - history has showed us these things happen when religious zealots take charge of a group of people.'

The community, which has up to 10,000 members worldwide, appears to remain loyal to their 'prophet' even though he is serving life plus 20 years for sexually abusing children.

CNN reporters approached residents to ask them about Jeffs' alleged latest claim but they refused to comment.

The channel claims FLDS members tried to intimidate the crew - driving large trucks into camera shots to disrupt them.

This isn't the first time Jeffs has warned of the world's end. In November, he predicted 'disastrous cleansing' would occur as the end of times arrived on December 23.

A former member of the sect, Isaac Wyler, told, how Jeffs would react to his December 23 prediction failing to come true, which perhaps gives an insight into what he will tell his followers, if 2013 arrives safely.

Apparently the cult leader blames his followers for not having enough faith for it to happen.

'They are all supposed to make these grey or blue backpacks, 2x2x1, pack them with essentials,' Wyler said.

'Be ready to go at a moment’s notice. it’s just Warren whipping them up into another frenzy to gather money.'

Some reports have raised concerns about how the church is distributing food and essentials now the only shop within the community has been closed.

Another former member Willie Jessop said he was concerned about the future of Jeffs' followers.

'There’s always that fear that warren would see how far he could take them,' Wyler told the Utah broadcaster.

'I've got a brother-in-law who once told my sister ‘if the prophet told me to I’d slit your throat without even thinking about it'.'

Jeffs, who has more than 70 brides in the community, has ultimate control over his followers - even from the confines of a prison cell.

He decides where people live, whom they marry, how they dress and what they eat.

He also approves school books for the community's children, whose education centers on his proverbs.

Last year jurors wept as they heard a graphic tape of the twisted sexual instructions Jeffs gave his brides - some of whom were just children.

He warned God would reject them if they did not to submit to his instructions and DNA evidence presented during the trial proved he had fathered a child with a 15-year-old girl.

'If the world knew what I was doing, they would hang me from the highest tree,' Jeffs wrote in a chilling journal entry from 2005 - one of thousands of pages of notes seized by authorities.

He was given life behind bars for one count of aggravated sexual assault and an extra 20 years, to be served consecutively, for the second count of sexual assault - the maximum allowed for each count.

A highly publicized raid on another of the sect's communities - the Yearning for Zion compound in Eldorado, Texas - revealed to the world for the first time the society Jeffs had been developing.

Pictures showing members' unusual appearance, particularly of the women in the community who wear restrictive floor length dresses and are forbidden from cutting their hair, were broadcast across the world as 400 children were put in temporary custody for the duration of the police investigation into sexual abuse.

Former members of the FLDS spokes out against Jeffs in court.


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