
Monday, December 24, 2012

BUNNY RANCH Sex Workers Contract -- BRING YOUR OWN LUBE!!!

Ever wonder what it takes to be a “Working Girl”? Here's a quick list of requirements from Nevada's famed Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel: weekly STD testing ... your own personal sex toy collection ... an endless supply of condoms ... lube ... and $25 a day.

The list of must-haves is outlined in a contract signed by Bunny Ranch “Working Girl”, "Jimi Lynn" -- who's currently being sued by the Ranch for failing to report more than $300,000 in gifts she allegedly received from one of her johns.

According to the lawsuit, Lynn is required to give the Ranch 50% of everything she makes in the line of duty -- including the cash value of all gifts she receives -- and the Ranch is out for its cut.

Lynn's contract was submitted as part of new legal docs in the lawsuit -- and it's pretty hilarious.

By signing the contract, Lynn agreed to pay the Ranch $25 a day for room and board, which gives her a bed to sleep in, plus two meals.

According to the contract, drugs are not allowed in her “Working Girl” room at any time. All “Working Girls” are also forbidden from seeing their johns outside the “Working Girl” house.

And this is nice -- no “Working Girl” will be forced to bang a man she does not want to bang.

There are no sex quotas either -- a “Working Girl” may bang as many people as she wishes.

And the best part -- FREE WI-FI!!!!


Note: We felt it was right to remove the word "Whore(s)" from TMZ's original article and have replaced it with "Working Girl"

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